Following the development of transportation in the nineteenth century, painters have developed a taste for landscape. It wasn’t long before photography followed suit and appropriate the classical subject. The genre has then spread to geographical and travel magazines, even to advertising. At first glance, Décharge (Dump) looks like a huge postcard. It has the particularity to exclude human and animal presence. Houses, trees, petrified statues, empty lots are all spheres forming mounds, hills, elevations, some of which escape into the air like soap bubbles.

With over one thousand six hundred amateur photographs, scanned and reworked by different softwares, I bring viewers to think about the overflow of images in our societies. If families used to bequeath their images from one generation to another, this is no longer the case today; they now sell in batches on the web. We now prefer the instantaneity of our cell phone than to archive collective and family memories. Hence piles of spheres reminiscent of dumps of our post-industrial societies. But come closer, spheres shimmering effects invite us to contemplation. Are we facing a bucolic landscape or a mound of wastes? Your turn to decide.
